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Welcome to the Liverpool and South West Lancashire District Association Website

Formed in 1921 Liverpool and South West Lancashire District Association (LSWLDA) is a proud and active part of the Camping and Caravanning Club and its North West Region – which last year celebrated its 75th Birthday.

Our members organise a variety of meets during the year and make everyone feel welcome.  

DA camping gives the freedom to camp in many otherwise inaccessible places, often not far from home, without having to book months in advance – and importantly – at a reasonable cost.

Organisers and stewards are all volunteers so please feel free to muck in and lend a hand!

We host a number of meets throughout the year, consisting of:

Weekend meets (2-5 nights)

Temporary Holiday Site ‘THS’ meets (6-28 nights) and

Special Events/Themed meets (these can be over a weekend meet or a THS)

Which ever you decide to attend you’ll have a great time with amazing like minded campers.

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